domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Lucky me in New York (II)

Skylines. No other city has skylines as New York.
I have to admit I was quite impressed with the age of the iconic buildings of NY. Built in the beginnings of the XX century, I almost could date them this century. With my petite experience in NY I dare to say that the best view is from the Top of the Rock, in Rockefeller Center.  See for yourselves!!

I think what makes this a wonderful view is the magnificent King Kong building right in front of us. The iconic Empire State Building!!On the opposite side we have the beautiful and almost endless Central Park, but I admit it's more interesting from within than above.

However, the beautiful NY postcards are not just made in midtown. Although the skyline of Financial District has changed forever after 9/11, the view from Brooklyn side is breathtaking. Actually, the cross of Brooklyn Bridge (from Brooklyn to Manhattan) should be in your must do list.
See for yourselves!!


sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014

Lucky me in New York (I)

I rather travel by pictures than by words. However, New York deserves them!
When I arrived to New York it was like I have entered in a Hollywood film. New Yorkers deal with day to day with ease, making jokes all the time and praising everything they adored in you. In just 10 days, I was praised for my coat, for my hat, for my nails and my ring. And no, it was not from traders wanting to sell. It was from people crossing those crowded walkways and still had time to notice who came from the other side. It’s not absurd that in movies people fall in love at the door of Starbucks. Now, makes sense!!
I was a lucky one; I caught myself in New York City at the crossroads of two seasons. Fall & Christmas. Can you image a better match?? 
As can be read on the Central Park poster – “That moment when you escape from NY, without escaping from NY”. Central park in Fall is the paradise. Paradise for squirrels, paradise for photographers, for writers, it seemed the paradise even for the homeless. This paradise took nine beautiful hours of my day!

Chilly days were warmed not only by lots of cappuccinos but also by fall colors in Central Park. Were warmed by the friendliness of the people. Were warmed by Christmas songs in Rockefeller Center. Were warmed by Christmas lights on 5th Avenue. Were warmed by the lights in Times Square. Were warmed thanks to several hours spent in makeup stores. Were warmed by the views from the Top of the Rock 67th floor. 
Warm up with me in the next post.


terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

Travel Essentials

only 3 days to go!!
I'm so excited!!

My inseparable Olympus PEN; 
my magnificent 14-150 mm lens;
my octopus tripod;
super batteries;
travel notebook;
and this year could not miss the hat
these are my travel essentials!

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

Baby Pink

Nunca uma cor teve tantos altos e baixos. O baby pink atingiu o seu primeiro pico no gráfico da popularidade no século XVIII quando os tons pastel eram símbolo de sensualidade mas sensibilidade, de sedução mas delicadeza. Já dois séculos mais tarde, e sob o comando de Hitler, judeus homossexuais eram obrigados a expor a sua sexualidade com trajes baby pink. Aliás, apenas há uma década atrás usar baby pink conferia à mulher moderna uma imagem de insegurança, fraqueza e languidez. Hoje, FW14, o baby pink regressou à ribalta, recuperando a sua antiga reputação. 
Não há dúvida que nesta estação confiança e baby pink vão andam de mãos dadas!!

A color never had so many ups and downs. The baby pink reached its first peak in the popularity chart in the XVIII century when pastels become a symbol of sensuality but sensibility, seduction but delicacy. Two centuries later, under Hitler’s command, homosexuals Jews were forced to expose their sexuality with baby pink costumes. Likewise, just a decade ago women wearing baby pink conveyed an image of insecurity, weakness and languor. Today, FW14, the baby pink returned to the limelight, reclaiming his old reputation.
There is no doubt that baby pink and confidence will go hand in hand this winter!!